Bonny Ibhawoh

Bonny Ibhawoh (M.A. Ibadan; Ph.D Dalhousie) teaches Human Rights History and African History in the Department of History and the Centre for Peace Studies. He also teaches in the McMaster Arts & Science Program and the Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition. He is the Director of the McMaster Centre for Human Rights and Restorative Justice. He is the Project Director of Participedia and the Confronting Atrocity Project. He has taught in universities in Africa, Europe and North America.
His research interests are global human rights, peace/conflict studies, legal and imperial history, and he is the author of Human Rights in Africa (Cambridge University Press, 2018); Imperial Justice (Oxford University Press, 2013) and Imperialism and Human Rights (SUNY Press, 2007) [named 2007 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title]. Dr Ibhawoh is member of the College of New Scholars of the Royal Society of Canada, a recipient of the McMaster Student Union Teaching Award and the Nelson Mandela Distinguished Africanist Award.